Kampong Cham Overview
Kampong Cham province is located in a lowland area with a huge stretch of the Mekong River running along side it. Known for its untouched charm beauty, riverside activities and daily life in the province’s urban centre - also called Kampong Cham, many tourists travel here from nearby Phnom Penh for a experience of a ‘real Cambodia’.
While the city has a mixture of French colonial architecture and a combination of Chinese and traditional Khmer influences, the broader province is all about rustic charm, working the land or fishing in the river, with a number of Angkor-era temples to visit, Kampong Cham has everything that better-known Cambodian resorts have to offer, but on a smaller scale and with fewer people.
Let immerse into a traditional Cambodian lifestyle blending the countryside, the river and the small city, with a visit to Kampong Cham.